We are pleased to announce you the PAGODE Final Conference. The conference “PAGODE: Discovering Chinese Cultural Heritage in Europeana” will be held online on 23rd and 24th of September 2021.The conference is organized by the PAGODE Project, under the coordination of KIK-IRPA and hosted online by the University of Ljubljana.
PAGODE is a Generic Service project granted by the European Commission in the frame of the Connecting Europe Facility Programme, in support to Europeana. Several European cultural institutions participate in the project as partners and are associated to contribute with their digital collections about Chinese cultural heritage. PAGODE project has set out to increase rich user experiences and high audience engagement with Europeana by proposing a thematic approach in the aggregation, curation and presentation of Chinese culture related content that is hosted in European museums and cultural institutions.
A better understanding of the cultural values of China and of the cultural exchanges between China and Europe will allow European institutions to connect and share more widely their collections and metadata across new sectors and borders, increasing awareness and usage of Europeana internationally.
In this two-day conference, speakers will share their experiences of making Chinese cultural heritage collections accessible via Europeana and of developing tools towards this direction. The project results will be presented as well as exchange of knowledge and best practices that support the digital transformation of cultural heritage institutions with a focus on Chinese Cultural Heritage hosted in European Cultural Institutions.
See the full programme here: https://photoconsortium.net/pagode/final-conference/
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