According to the Law on Ministries (Officiel Gazzette of R. Srbia, no.44/2014, 14/2015, 54/2015,96/2015 – and 62/2017), Article 18, the Ministry of Culture and Media performs activities of the state administration relating to: development and advancement of culture and artistic creation; follow-up and exploration in the area of culture; providing for the material base for culture activities; development and improvement of literary, translation, music and stage creation, fine arts and applied arts and design, film creation and creation in the area of other audio-visual media; protection of immovable, movable and intangible cultural heritage; bibliotecal, publishing, cinematographic and musical-stage activity; establishment of digital exploration infrastructure in the area if culture and arts; endowments and foundations; public information system; monitoring enforcement of the law in the domain of public information; monitoring the activities of foreign information institutions, foreign public information means, reporters’ bureaus and reporters (correspondents) in the Republic of Serbia; informing national minorities; registration of foreign information institutions and provision of assistance to the work of foreign journalists and reporters (correspondents; cooperation in the area of cultural heritage, cultural creation and informing in the language and script of the members of Serbian people in the region; creation of the conditions for the access to and implementation of the projects funded from the pre-accession funds of the European Union, donations and other forms of developmental assistance falling under the competence of that ministry, participation in regional projects, and other activities laid down by the law.